Behind the Blog

What to do if you have too many Seedlings

Eggplant Seedling
Growing plants from seeds are really easy for most plants, just throw some seeds on the ground it will germinate within a few days. As easy as it sounds when it comes to planting exactly the same number of seed you need not that easy even experienced gardeners don't do it right. Every person who has ever grown plants from seeds should have come across this problem of the extra seedling. When planting seeds like carrot, leafy greens, radishes, brassicas or anything with small seeds can be oversown easily.

Chilli Seedling
I personally don't like to throw away the seedlings which I took care for days. So, I try to plant as many seedlings as possible, I try to fill every corner of my garden with plants, sometimes I don't follow plant spacing guidelines just because I have extra seedlings. I even try to plants vegetable seedlings with my ornamentals in a confined container, even planting it in your garden borders, in corners of your growing area, which usually won't have any plants. I find by doing it this way I can also experiment and know which soil best works for that particular plant and even which companion plants works best without believing the internet completely.
Solanum nigrum Seedling

Leaving the plants in the seedling containers for a long time and then transplanting it late in the season is also a way to keep growing something throughout the year. Another awesome thing you can do is share your seedlings with your neighbours and friends and spread the wealth around, by doing this you could connect to people and make them gardening as well, every gardener's journey started from only a few plants; so, be proud by doing this, you are helping the world in terms of food security.

Interplanting you extra seedling with other plants do help each other in their growth and overall productivity you can plant many plants with each other, you can find a detailed list companion plants for tomatoes by clicking this link-Friends for Your Tomatoes -Companion Planting.
Madagascar periwinkle Seedling

Reuse things in your house, find any container which can hold some soil, then fill it up with some compost and good loose soil, make sure the container has drainage holes, plant your seedlings in there, even if it is too small for that plant don't worry, it will be fine in that container until you plant it somewhere else, some seedlings like greens, radishes etc., can grow in small containers as well.


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