Behind the Blog

My Gardening Mistake...I Regret It

Gardening is a joyful and soothing hobby, but it can also give you some bad times, like the one which I had today. I had a cucumber vine which I was so proud of because of one huge cucumber on that vine which I had and I even hand pollinated this cucumber flower by myself. I just had one huge cucumber on it, I was so proud of it, that I even posted it on my Instagram, Pinterest and all social media page, but unfortunately today I lost that cucumber to a monkey. What's worse than that is, the monkey just bit a few chunks around it and left the cucumber on the ground. When I went to my garden and saw this I was frustrated at that moment when I saw the leftover cucumber.

I found out that it was a monkey by its bite marks and the only thing that comes to my garden during mid-noon is a monkey, I have experienced the same thing for many times before, but this is my first time losing a cucumber, before this I have lost tomatoes only, they will come and take my tomatoes, that even not all tomatoes only one or two so I won't care, I just leave it.

Today, wasn't all bad, we also had a good rain which will boost plant growth in future days, let's hope for next cucumber which I have pollinated a few days ago and another cucumber is growing on another vine which will be ready for harvest soon. I have also planted a few cucumbers, watermelon, muskmelon and some pumpkins seedling around my garden, I don't know how well will they do because I have a serious issue with cucumber beetle and squash bug. I didn't know how prolific these are I thought only one or two will be roaming around but this year I was catching all beetles whenever I say them, only then I realised how prolific they are taking over my garden, I'm catching these beetles at a rate of 10-15 beetles per day.

I will be protecting all my crops hear onwards from these monkeys, I don't know how but I'm planning to cover it with fabric and putting it into place but anchoring it to the ground by staples or pins. Hoping for the best. :)


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