Behind the Blog

Welcome!! Ocean to Land

Ocean to Land is a page where we discuss everything from nature to technology, everyday stuff, trending news etc., The name ‘Ocean to Land’ actually refers to the two main elements of this planet ‘The water’ and ‘The soil’, where we talk about things that happen on land and water and everything in between.
We are here to light up the dark side of the world.
Our aim is to educate as many people as possible all around the world about the things that are unseen and are just hidden inside the awesome treasure trope of our planet. We are even passionate about nature and educating and spread awareness about nature, wildlife and the cruelty they face daily which are not seen by many people.
We dive deeper and far beyond the imagination to bring you as much information and facts as possible. We bring the core values and facts right at your fingertips, that are hidden from you.


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