Making your Garden a Pollinator Paradise!!!
Pollinators are essential for your garden, everyone knows that they pollinate your plants and make you yield more produce but in recent years pollinators like bees, butterflies, birds, bats ect., are disappearing at an astonishing rate. By planting plants that pollinators love you can increase pollinator numbers in your garden, you can do it by taking a few steps. Plant a lot of flowering plants in your garden which has a lot of pollen and nectar, if you are constricted in terms of space plant plants that are edible as well as pollinator attracter, plants like basil, marigold, nasturtium, etc., will do the job, many medicinal and aromatic plants are attractive plants for pollinator and also medicinal. Have flowers in your garden all year round, so these pollinators have food for the whole year. Never ever use pesticides and other chemicals, if bees could speak all the bees would literally be begging everyone to avoid pesticides, seriously this is a big issue, the Colony Collap...