The Truth That Most Fish Keepers Don't Know-Aquarium Heaters
Aquarium heaters are used in most of the aquariums around the world and there are hundreds of manufacture manufacturing aquarium heaters. You may have been suggested or convinced to use an aquarium heater, but that's not always true. Betta Fish( Betta splendens) Probably you don't need an aquarium heater unless it is an extreme situation. Most fish in the aquarium hobby can tolerate really cold temperatures (even the tropical fish). Maintaining a proper aquarium temperature is essential but it not that difficult if you know what temperature your aquarium water is, don't blindly think that your aquarium is too cold just by touching it. Your aquariums temperature and the atmospheric temperature of your home is the same, they feel different due to thermal conductivity. Angel Fish( Pterophyllum sp.) The fishes that I'm talking is not just goldfish and some livebearers, it can even be true with tropical fishes. In the wild, the temperature changes...